
About Us

Welcome to Garange, your go-to platform for discovering and listing any type of at-home/business oriented sale in your area. We're passionate about connecting buyers with unique, pre-loved items and helping sellers reach a wider audience. Our innovative technology makes it easier than ever to find and promote sales, creating a vibrant community of treasure hunters and sellers.

Automatic Title Generation

Our cutting-edge AI technology automatically infers and generates catchy and descriptive titles for your listings. Simply input your sale details, and our system will create an attention-grabbing title that highlights the best aspects of your sale, increasing visibility and attracting more potential buyers.

Smart Listing Promotion

Our advanced algorithm ensures your listings reach the right audience at the right time. By analyzing factors such as location, sale items, and user preferences, we optimize the visibility of your listings in search results and recommendations, maximizing your chances of a successful sale.

Ready to Find Your Next Treasure?

Join our community of savvy shoppers and sellers today. Whether you're looking to declutter or discover unique items, Garange has you covered.

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